Thursday, 31 May 2012

Mother's Day craft and treats

Cards for Bean's Nana (my Mummy)
From Me...the flower was given to me when Bean was born...and then I pressed it.
From Bean...her double-sided taping.
Mother's Day treat for me while Bean anyone else prepared to admit they can eat a whole wedge of blue cheese in one sitting? ...mmmmmm...

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

No fail

I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.
- Bill Cosby

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Handmade papery things

(This one didn't last long...once Bean could stand, there was a tanty one day and 'N' didn't make it.  Must repair it and re-hang...higher up on the wall.)

While I'm on the subject of paper...isn't she divine?  On our Easter road-trip Bean asked for the paper I was reading...and a few minutes later, we looked back and saw this.

Monday, 14 May 2012

Wot dat? Wot dat?

A child can ask questions that a wise man cannot answer.  
- Author unknown

Friday, 11 May 2012

Sunshine and lollipops

Oh my, I am very excited!  I sent a snail mail parcel to the UK earlier this year in a swapsie with Jodi from Stuff'n'bits!  Vibeke (who by the way has a stunning blog... A Butterfly in My Hair) organised it.  Please stop by both their blogs - such wonderful spaces!

Anyway, Jodi has given Bean's Mummy her first blogging award.  Hooray, the first one!

So, I need to answer 10 questions and nominate 5 bloggers who I think deserve the award also.  Here we go...
1. Favourite colour? Green
2. Favourite number? 16
3. Favourite animal? Birds...used to be pigs...but the flying & freedom thing has won me.
4. Favourite non-alcoholic drink? Coffee
5. Do I prefer Facebook or Twitter? Facebook.  No interest in exploring Twitter.  Am in love with Pinterest.
6. What is my passion? Creating 'stuff' - crafting, cooking, playing music...planning & creating...endless possibilities...
7. Do I prefer giving or receiving? Definitely giving.
8. Favourite pattern? Floral - yikes, I really don't like the word though.  Nice florals.  Funky florals.  Cute florals.  You florals, not daggy florals...
9. Favourite day of the week? Today.  Friday.  Excellent!
10. Favourite flower? Sweet peas and peonies.  I can't decide.

My 5 Sunshine Awards, definitely in no particular order, go to...

1. Jen from Let It Go
2. Ally from Everyday Miracles
3. Kellie from 1000 Homes of Happiness
4. Jill from deux et un garcon (it has been a while - hope all is well)
5. Bron from Maxabella loves...
(Bron OMG that farm party!!!  You were very cool in my eyes before that, but now I'm just in awe)

Thanks so much Jodi and a very sunshiney Friday to all!

Monday, 7 May 2012

Am I? Have I?

“Am I sleeping? Have I slept at all? This is insomnia.”
- Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club

Friday, 4 May 2012

At the moment

You can learn many things from children.  How much patience you have, for instance.  
- Franklin P. Jones

Thursday, 3 May 2012

The Endless Sky Exhibition - until May 12

Amazing photographer and good friend Michael Norton's current exhibition, The Endless Sky, looks so beautiful...if you're in Melbourne, check it out at     Edmund Pearce.   Here's a little background info on youtube.  I can't wait to go!