Tuesday, 24 September 2013


I drink tea and forget the world's noises.
- apparently a Chinese saying

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Tuesday, 3 September 2013


Bean: Did you put music on Mum?
Me: Yes
Bean: Why did you put music on Mum?
Me: Because it makes me happy.  Does music make you happy honey?
Bean: No, when you cuddle me it makes me feel music-y.

Brought a smile to my face and made my day really!

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Spring has sprung

I'm back.  It has been a busy 5 months.  We sold.  We bought.  We moved.  Olive is fondly referred to as Lulu now.  Bean is 3.  Beans Mummy is a little frayed around the edges...but the smell of blossoms & freshly cut grass & a desire to pick up the camera and bloggity-blog again are very, very good things.

I hope you're having a happy day!