Friday, 10 February 2012

Offerings for the fairies


Making me smile today (and every day really) is whoever thought to attach a little doorknob to this fascinating door in such an amazing tree!  We take Bean to leave flowers and acorns for the fairies and it is SO magical!  Linking up with Maxabella for 52 Weeks of Grateful.  Wishing everyone a peaceful weekend. xx


  1. Oh, how cute is that! My kids love acorns, too, we have an acorn searching trip planned for Sunday. I hope it doesn't rain.

  2. That is a cool tree, use to love looking for faries in the garden when Little Bit was little :)

  3. Oh my! That just made me go ooooooh and want to create my own fairy door. Finding something so unexpected and whimsical is just wonderful. x

  4. Gorgeous! Love the little fairy door and the wonderful imagination of a stranger.

    Happy weekend.

  5. oh that is so precious
    I think we might need one too :-)

  6. How beautiful. My Mum once painted fairies all round the roots of a big old gum, her grandchildren loved them and so did her children!!

  7. That's awesome - I would have LOVED that when I was little. Now must find a tree to add a doorknob to...

  8. My Mum and I would make fairy gardens, with little stones for seats for when the fairies got tired from so much dancing. I'd go out in the morning and there would be little footprints everywhere! Thanks Mum! xx
